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Vegetation Database .. detailed information
blind your eye mangrove
Excoecaria agallocha
Plant Family :Euphorbiaceae
Plant Form :tree
Growth Habit :Tree 5m tall with copious milky sap.
Fruiting Season :Flowering period December and January.
Description :Sap is poisonous, causing intense pain and temporary blindness if it gets into the eyes, and can blister skin. Timber is soft and easily worked. The poisonous juice has been used to treat chronic ulcerous diseases such as leprosy, and marine stings.
Distribution :Costal areas from W.A. to N.S.W., found in the most landward fringe of mangrove communities.
Introduced :No
Seen North Qld :  Yes

      Additional info ..locations seen (8)  ..   habitats seen (2)  ..    

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