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Vegetation Database .. detailed information
Moreton Bay ash, carbeen
Corymbia tessellaris  (Eucalyptus tessellaris)
Eucalyptus tessallaris (Form)

Eucalyptus tessallaris (Leaf)

Eucalyptus tessallaris

Photo courtesy of Keith Townsend.
Corymbia tesellaris

Photo courtesy of Keith Townsend.
Plant Family :Myrtaceae
Plant Form :tree
Growth Habit :Tree 30m tall single trunk branching widely at upper levels with pendulous foliage.
Fruiting Season :Flowering period November to January.
Description :Minor source of pollen.
Distribution :Common local species. Eastern QLD., and northern N.S.W., on plains and undulating country in open woodlands.
Introduced :No
Seen North Qld :  Yes

      Additional info ..locations seen (21)  ..   habitats seen (7)  ..    

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