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Habitat Location .. detailed information
Alligator Creek - below weir to mouth

Alligator Creek Catchment
Townsville Shire
Grid Reference No :DU940623
Wetland Type Classification :Simple wetland aggregation
Biogeographic Region :Brigalow Belt (North)
Ecological System/Subsystem :Estuarine/1.Intertidal 2. Subtidal
Class/Subclass :1. Streambed/Mud 2. Unconsolidated Bottom/Mud
Dominance Type :Avicennia marina
Water Regime :1. Irregularly flooded 2. Subtidal
Water Chemistry :1. Mixoohaline 2.Euhaline
Soil :Organic
Associated Vegetation :Rhizophora sp., Ceriops tagal, Sporobolus virginicus
Size :1. channel ~ 50m wide. 2. channel ~ >60m wide
Management Issues :Fishing pressure, boating activity, fish stocking, conservation management of adjacent areas.
Conservation Value :Very High

Recommended Actions :
  1. Establish management plan in conjunction with stakeholders (e.g. DoE, landholders)

  2. Conduct fish surveys to determine populations and sustainable harvest levels.

  3. Establish water quality monitoring program for catchment.


      Sponsored by Townsville City Council
      and Townsville Enterprise