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Habitat Location .. detailed information
Ross Creek

Ross Creek And Ross River Catchment
Townsville Shire
Grid Reference No :DU805698
Wetland Type Classification :Simple wetland aggregation
Biogeographic Region :Brigalow Belt (North)
Ecological System/Subsystem :Estuarine/Subtidal
Class/Subclass :Unconsolidated Bottom/Mud
Dominance Type :Avicennia marina
Water Regime :Subtidal
Water Chemistry :Mixohaline
Soil :Organic
Special Modifiers :Impounded
Associated Vegetation :Sporobolus virginicus, Halosarcia indica
Size :channel ~ 30m
Management Issues :Stormwater, litter, recreational use
Conservation Value :Medium-High

Recommended Actions :
  1. Control access to the creek to prevent erosion of banks and the deposition of refuse and litter.

  2. Replant estuarine and non-estuarine vegetation along the banks of Ross Creek to improve aesthetics and habitat values.

  3. Clean up existing refuse and litter along the banks of Ross Creek, and formulate guidelines for water and sediment quality monitoring to facilitate regular assessments of the environmental status of Ross Creek.


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      and Townsville Enterprise