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Mammals Database .. detailed information
Sus scrofa
Mammal Family :"Pigs"
Description :Introduced. Common. Body 120cm ; Tail 20cm ; Weight 120kg ; Fur usually black, but any colour possible. Disease carrier such as Ross River Fever, Meliodosis, Brucellosis, Leptospirosis and more. Gregarious, up to 60 in a group.
Typical Habitat :Rainforest to open savannah. Opportunistic omnivore, competes with livestock for pasture and food for native anmials, pest of sugar cane,peanuts and corn, eats carrion, lambs, small mammals, reptiles and birds. Has a negative impact on many plant species.
Distribution :East coast and patchy distribution W.A. and northern NT
Introduced :Yes
Seen North Qld :  Yes

      Additional info ..locations seen (5)  ..   habitats seen (2)  ..    

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