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Mammals Database .. detailed information
Common Dunnart , Common Marsupial Mouse
Sminthopsis murina
Mammal Family :"Dasyurids"
Description :Common, rarely seen. Body 9cm ; Tail 8cm ; Weight 22g ; Fur brown-grey above. Nocturnal. Builds a cup-shaped nest of dried leaves and grass in a fallen log, clump of grass or grass-tree. Eats beetles, roaches, cricket larvae and spiders.
Typical Habitat :Dry open forest, often with baldy or kangaroo grass, also rainforest margins. Often found under logs, fallen bark. More common in areas that have been burnt in the previous 2 to 4 years.
Distribution :In QLD. from south of Laura, west to Charleville, N.S.W., VIC [except coastal areas], and eastern S.A.
Introduced :No
Seen North Qld :  Yes

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