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Mammals Database .. detailed information
Hoary Wattled Bat , Pied Bat
Chalinolobus nigrogriseus
Mammal Family :"Evening Bats"
Description :Common. Body 55mm ; Tail 42mm ; Forearm 38mm ; Weight 10g ; Fur dark grey to black. Swift, with lots of twists and turns as it chases inscets and flies close to the surface of still water. One of the first bats to leave the roost at dusk.
Typical Habitat :Vegetation along watercourses, open forest, coastal scrub, flood plains and aviods rainforest. Diet includes flies, moths, earwigs, beetles, cicadas, spiders and ants.
Distribution :Coastal northern Australia
Introduced :No
Seen North Qld :  Yes

      Additional info .. 

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