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Birds Database .. detailed information
Cattle Egret
Ardea ibis
Bird Family :"Egrets and Herons"
Description :Uncommon local species. First seen in this area in the 1970's. Length 54cm. Call, harsh croaks.
Typical Habitat :Pasture, among stock and shallows of wetlands.
Distribution :Common to Top End of N.T., northern and eastern QLD., N.S.W., VIC., TAS. and south western W.A.
Migration :Resident, Breeds on south bank of Ross River, from February to March.
Introduced :No
Seen North Qld :  Yes
EPBC :Migratory

      Additional info ..locations seen (26)  ..   observations (55)  ..   habitats seen (1)  ..    
      EPBC = Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (Commonwealth)

      Sponsored by Townsville City Council
      and Townsville Enterprise