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Birds Database .. detailed information
Grey (White) Goshawk
Accipiter novaehollandiae
Grey Goshawk

Photo Courtesy of Birdway Australia
Grey Goshawk

Photo Courtesy of Birdway Australia
Grey Goshawk

Photo Courtesy of Birdway Australia
Bird Family :"Hawks"
Description :Rare local species. Length 55cm. Two colour morphs, can be all white or grey above, white below, grey head and grey barring on chest. Call is a rapid, shrill chatter and repeated rising shrill whistle. Eats birds, small mammals, reptiles and insects.
Typical Habitat :Various forest types, mainly coastal closed forest. Builds stick nests lined with green leaves, up high in trees and may be used for several years.
Distribution :Uncommon to northern and eastern coast, VIC and Tas. Endemic, only recorded in Australia.
Migration :Resident / breeding. Main breeding season, April to November, variable.
Introduced :No
Seen North Qld :  Yes
NCA :Rare

      Additional info ..locations seen (12)  ..   observations (10)  ..   habitats seen (4)  ..    
      NCA  = Nature Conservation Act (Queensland) 

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      and Townsville Enterprise